Advanced Loader Configuration

Sometimes you may want to:

  1. Apply a custom loader string to a language instead of letting vue-loader infer it;

  2. Overwrite the built-in loader configuration for the default languages;

  3. Pre-process or post-process a specific language block with custom loaders.

To do that, specify the loaders option for vue-loader:

Note that preLoaders and postLoaders are only supported in 10.3.0+

module.exports = {
  // other options...
  module: {
    // `module.rules` is the same as `module.loaders` in 1.x
    rules: [
        test: /\.vue$/,
        loader: 'vue-loader',
        options: {
          // `loaders` will overwrite the default loaders.
          // The following config will cause all `<script>` tags without `lang`
          // attribute to be loaded with `coffee-loader`
          loaders: {
            js: 'coffee-loader'

          // `preLoaders` are attached before the default loaders.
          // You can use this to pre-process language blocks - a common use
          // case would be build-time i18n.
          preLoaders: {
            js: '/path/to/custom/loader'

          // `postLoaders` are attached after the default loaders.
          // - For `html`, the result returned by the default loader
          //   will be compiled JavaScript render function code.
          // - For `css`, the result will be returned by `vue-style-loader`
          //   which isn't particularly useful in most cases. Using a PostCSS
          //   plugin will be a better option.
          postLoaders: {
            html: 'babel-loader'

          // `excludedPreLoaders` should be regex
          excludedPreLoaders: /(eslint-loader)/

A more practical usage of the advanced loader configuration is extracting CSS inside components into a single file.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""